Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Illustrators Pick: Sophie Alda

I like Sophie Alda's work, don't you? If I remember correctly I saw her work at the Brighton graduate degree show maybe 2 years ago and her work really stood out from the others (I'm pretty sure it was that one, if not correct me). My memory is bad but I remember seeing Sophie's work so that's a good sign!

The awkward looking characters I find quite amusing but not in a bad way of course! The muted tones, flat colours and the attention to detail makes the images look like a digital print.


Featured Artist: Kerri-Ann Hulme

Hello there! Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hi! I’m Kerri-Ann, I’m nearly 24, I have a black cat called Harley and I am an illustrator. I went to The University of Huddersfield and graduated last year with a degree in illustration (BA Hons).

What are you currently working on right now?
I’m part of a collective, Pencils, Paper, Scissors, that is currently working on a circus themed colouring book, it is pretty exciting to see all our work coming together in our first collaborative project. I am also constantly writing notes and ideas for my own children’s book, it’s taking a long time but I don’t want to rush it!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
In 10 years I hope to be a published author/illustrator of children’s books and to work in a professional creative environment. It has also been a bit of a dream to work in a publishing house so who knows what path I will take in the future, all I know is that I will be doing something creative.

What drew you to illustration?
When I was a kid I always said that I wanted to be an animator and work for Pixar, more specifically I wanted to help make Toy Story 3, little did I know they would actually make it! I have always been fascinated by illustrations in children’s books, they make me feel nostalgic and they can take you to a different world, I want to create this for someone else with my illustrations.

Would you mind sharing a little about your creative process with us?
To be honest my process changes all the time! I think I get bored with doing things one way so I try different things. I find that just simply drawing with pencils works best for me then scanning it in, then I might tidy it up a bit in photoshop but sometimes the messy bits add the to illustration!

Where are you located?
I currently live in Widnes, Cheshire, though I am looking to move to Sheffield as there are zero opportunities here in Widnes.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Issue One - Thank You

We would like to thank the artists featured in our first issue - Ezra Pound "Girl"

Fiona Purves

Lisa Marie Tsering

Megan Frauenhoffer

Yee Ting Kuit

Jacqueline Marie

Carolina Gronholm

Ben Sigas

Thuraya Lynn

Constanze Moll

Catherine Pape

Jo Cheung,  Founder and Contributor

Erica Williams, Founder and Contributor

Issue 1 looks fantastic because of their amazing contributions. We couldn't have done it without you guys! A huge and heartfelt thank you to all. Please show your support by taking a look at the rest of their work. We are very lucky to have such amazing artists contributing!

Don't forget to purchase your copy of issue one in our store in either a limited edition color printed zine or the PDF.

We look forward to your continued contributions and support for Little Constructs here on our blog and in the upcoming issue 2.

Little Constructs update: Shipping

We are having a few glitchy tech problems with shipping at the moment. So if you are wanting to buy the PDF zine and the physical zine(s) together it's best if you buy them separately for now otherwise you will be charged extra for the PDF.

Free shipping for the PDF zines only (multiples of up to 4.) For the physical zines shipping is charged at a flat rate of $6.00 for one or $6.50 for two copies.

If you notice an error or a problem then please let us know about it as soon as possible.

Featured Artist: Madi

Hello there! Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hello! My name is Madi, and I’m an illustrator. I like to cut and stick and colour-in. My illustrations are mainly created using a combination of collage and mixed media, incorporating a mix of found papers and fabric with hand-drawn elements and typography. When I’m not illustrating, you will mostly find me hanging out in DIY stores stealing more than my fair share of wallpaper samples, or drinking hot chocolate.

What are you currently working on right now?
I’m currently working on Christmas card designs, although it feels far too early to be even thinking about Christmas at the moment! I’m also working on a circus themed colouring book which is a collaborative project between myself and the other members of Pencils, Paper, Scissors Collective. (

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Ideally, I’d like to be working full time as an illustrator, and making enough money from it to survive. I’d have my own studio with a desk and a chair - that would be a step up from my current studio, which is the floor of our spare room. I’d also like to think that I’d have had a children’s picture book published. That’s the dream.

What drew you to illustration?
I’ve loved drawing since I was tiny, and always knew that I would end up doing something arty, but it wasn’t until my foundation course that I decided upon illustration. I’d only ever studied fine art at school, but it was always a little bit too abstract for me; I like having a brief, and a final outcome to work towards. I think the main reason I was drawn to illustration was the idea that one day I might have a children’s picture book published – it’s something I’ve dreamed of since I was a kid, so it would be amazing if it actually happened. I love creating characters, and the idea of making imagery that captures a child’s imagination is just incredible.

Would you mind sharing a little about your creative process with us?
I always find it helps to sketch out my ideas before beginning a final illustration – that way I have something to aim for, and something to refer back to later if I veer off track half-way through. If I start an illustration with nothing solid to work towards, it rarely works out well, so I tend to sketch out any initial ideas I have. These sketches are always incredibly rough, and I tend to get stuck into creating the final imagery quite quickly. I create each individual part of an illustration by hand, generally using a collage and mixed media approach, and then I compose the final illustration digitally. This allows me to have freedom in the composition of the image; it means I can play around with the different elements and decide how they look best together.

Where are you located?
I live in Blandford, which is a small town in Dorset. It’s not really the best place for an illustrator to be based, but it is quite pretty.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Illustrators Pick: Kareena Zerefos

Kareena Zerefos is a London based artist from Sydney. I love how she uses blank space to frame the subject matter, nothing is over done just great water colour paintings and drawings.



Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Featured Artist: Sarah Dennis

Hello there! Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am a freelance illustrator living in London where I make and sells prints, badges and plush toys. I completed a degree in illustration in 2008 at the University of The West of England. I have an interest in narrative, drawing and collage, my artwork is inspired by themes of nature and childhood as well as old ledger books and evocative old prints

What are you currently working on right now?

I've got a solo exhibition at Prema Arts centre in Gloucestershire. I am creating some new art work and framing prints for the show. The exhibition starts on the 7th of November and is showing till the 11th of December.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

Wow big question. I want to be creating unique art work and working as a commercial illustrator. Hopefully by that point I'll be living in a gorgeous palace where me and my family will live.

 What drew you to illustration?
I find that drawing is a great way to communicate  my imagination and ideas. When I was younger I use to love watching animations and reading comics book and I still do. That imagery inspired me to create my own story and characters.

Would you mind sharing a little about your creative process with us?

I like to hunt down different textures and pattered papers. Once I've got an idea or a commission I sketch down my ideas, I work from that sketch to create a collage digitally or finically.

Where are you located?

East London

Facebook Fan Page:

Monday, 17 October 2011

Illustration 101 - The Interview

All the work on your portfolio has paid off, and now you have a job interview - it's game day. Time to make a great impression! So... how do you do that?

Erica - I always prep/conduct for interviews thusly (whether on the phone, or in person):
1.) Look nice. I spend extra time making sure I look as nice as I can for an interview. Pretend it's a date. You want them to like you, a lot, and you want to feel your best. Well, you won't look or feel your best if your hair is messy and you haven't combed your hair in a day. People will pick up on how nice you look, not only because they feel it, but because you have more confidence when you know you look good. The extra time is worth it. 
2.) Smile. Be happy. Smile a lot.
3.) Make sure you don't have any strays. Clean up any pet hair, papers, buttons, threads, lint, off of everything.  Your portfolio is impeccable, and so are you!
4.) Be early. If the interview is in person, show up a few minutes early. Accept a glass of water if they offer it, and be really nice to the receptionist. 
5.) Bring a clean, working pen and a notebook. Even if you don't need to write anything down you will be ready, and they may take notice.
6.) Breath mints. Coffee breath sucks.
7.) Make sure you are organized. Don't waste time (yours or theirs fiddling through stuff).
8.) Make sure your answers are practiced. Don't run on, but don't have closed answers (yes or no). Short, sweet, to the point, and happy.
9.) Be honest.
10.) Thank them for their time, and the opportunity. Close with confidence. Say something like "I look forward to speaking with you again soon." This exudes confidence while still being very polite.

Every interview will be different. Some go really well and some tank. Don't lose sight.

Jo- I like to do everything the night before because I hate leaving everything to the last minute. Some people can work  under pressure and pull it off. But me, erm, no! From past experience you learn to do things in your own way.

1. Double check your portfolio is looking good; no stains and certainly no spelling mistakes! And Google map where you're going and plan out the journey, give yourself plenty of time as public transport can be unreliable (well for me it usually is!) Trust me I have a smart phone but I still plan ahead because you never know your phone might break down on you!
2. What you wear is your own personal choice obviously so be yourself. There's no point trying to pretend to be someone you're not, choose something you'll be comfortable in (as long as you don't look like you've been on the lash!)
3. Try and think what they'll ask you and perhaps make a short list of answers. But try and balance it out so it doesn't sound too scripted or else you'll come across like a robot. You are talking about yourself so go ahead and impress them!
4. Have an early night.
5. Turning up early/ on time is always a plus.
6. Be friendly and shake hands! If you feel nervous try and relax and not worry too much about it, it's only natural to be like that.
    This is also an important time for you to ask them questions which shows you're interested in working with them and that you've done some background research into the company/ agency etc.

Thank them for their time and leave a promotional pack for them to keep (or even a business card will do.)

Monday, 10 October 2011

Illustrators Pick - Teagan White

Teagan White is an illustrator from Chicago. She has incredible detail in all of her work and can easily switch from incredibly well designed images to adorable animal illustrations. She also has some amazing typography.
Make sure you check out her work, if you don't already know about her.


Illustrators Pick: Mydeadpony

Great work from My Dead Pony (okay also known as Raphaël Vicenzi). Raphaël is an illustrator based in Belgium and has worked for clients such as Taschen, Visa and Computer Arts. 

I love the combination of his doodle style hand drawn images and type. oh I like a lot. 

You can see more of Raphaël's work over on his blog and he also has an Etsy shop full of lovely things. 


Monday, 3 October 2011

Issue one official release date!

As most of you know, Issue 1 is finally upon us! With the US and UK print runs both complete we can now announce the release date!
Monday October 10th is the official day! All pre-orders will be sent out on this day, so make sure if you already have yours in to keep an eye out for it!

Thanks again to all of our amazing artists who submit to Issue 1!

Remember, this is a limited run of 40 copies worldwide, so make sure you grab yours now. Grab your copy now in the pre-order before they sell out. 

Little Constructs Update: UK Edition is here!

Little Constructs UK Edition have arrived fresh from the printers! And they look flippin' good as well!

They'll be up in the shop pretty soon folks so watch out for an update. 

Would like to say massive thanks to George from Digital Ripe because he pretty much guided me through the whole process!