Your email should include:
A jpeg (20mb or less) of your image or a link to your work online. (All submitted work should follow the current theme.) Remember to keep your artwork in CMYK mode and in colour! Please note that all images will be printed in black and white for issue 2. We are still accepting color submissions though as all artists will be featured on the website in full color.
Your answers to the artist interview which is available here.
Your contact information (email, full name, website, location, etc.)
The title of the work you are entering.
The subject of your email should look something like this "Your Name, Submission for Issue #" (ie. Jo Cheung, Submission for Issue 2)
The submission deadline for the second issue of Little Constructs is February 10th, 2012.
Note: UK submissions should be in by 12PM GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and US submissions should be in by 12PM EST (Eastern Standard Time).
Sizing for the Little Constructs will be A5 (8.3 x 5.8 in) so please submit artwork that is ready to be printed at that size.
After the deadline is complete and all works are in we will review them and decide who will appear in the issue. Due to limited space we may not be able to include everyone in the printed publication. Do not be sad, we will do everything we can to make sure that you get to show your work with Little Constructs!
To appear in the first issue of Little Constructs please submit your work by February 10th.
If you have any questions regarding submissions please contact us, we are more than happy to help!
If you would like to suggest the subject for our next issue please let us know! We welcome all suggestions!